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SLOPE: The Toolbox for Planning Your Clean Energy Future

Dispersed, unintegrated, and sometimes inaccessible data can make quantitative energy planning too expensive or time-intensive for many state and local governments to pursue. To confront this issue, DOE and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed the State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE) Platform to provide a free, easy-to-use ‘one-stop shop’ for clean energy planning data. Learn about the new features added to SLOPE in 2022, including: 1) Scenario planning capabilities that allow jurisdictions to explore the potential impacts of strategies like grid decarbonization, energy efficiency, and electrification on energy consumption, emissions, and costs; and 2) Energy and environmental justice data to help state and local governments understand inequities within their jurisdiction and ensure disadvantaged communities benefit from clean energy projects. Watch this webinar for a demonstration of these new features and learn how SLOPE can support your jurisdiction’s energy planning.

Speakers: Katie Richardson, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Kofi Wakhisi, Atlanta Regional Commission; Shannon Zaret; U.S. Department of Energy
