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Leveling the SLOPE: Helping State and Local Governments Reach Their Energy Goals

Dispersed, unintegrated, and sometimes inaccessible data can make data-driven energy planning too expensive or time-intensive for many state and local governments to pursue. To confront this issue, DOE developed the State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE) Platform. SLOPE is a collaboration between DOE and the National Renewable Energy Lab to support state and local action in building a 100% clean energy economy.

SLOPE integrates and delivers data on energy efficiency and renewable energy into an easy-to-access online platform to enable data-driven state and local energy planning. The platform is adding sustainable transportation data in Spring 2021. This webinar featured a demonstration of SLOPE's functionality. Attendees also learned how Milwaukee, Wisconsin is using SLOPE in its energy planning and decision-making processes.

Presenters: Adam Guzzo, U.S. Department of Energy; Megan Day, National Renewable Energy Lab; Matthew Donath, City of Milwaukee
