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Virtual Trainings

What Are Virtual Trainings?

Virtual Trainings workshops are the online version of In-Plant Trainings (INPLTs) performed by industrial experts and Technical Account Managers (TAMs). The trainings are open to all US manufacturers and is offered throughout the year for 4 to 8 weeks at a time and teaches participants how to identify, implement, and replicate energy-saving projects. Technical expertise gained through the Virtual Trainings helps partners overcome barriers to adopting energy-efficient and low-emissions best practices and technologies. To maximize the benefits of Virtual Trainings, partners receive homework during each session, and are expected to create a summary presentation to share with DOE at the end of the training.  

Click here to visit the Virtual Training overview document for more information. 

What Virtual Training Topics Are Available To Partners?

50001 ReadyCombined Heat and PowerCompressed AirEnergy Treasure Hunts
Fan SystemsMotor SystemsProcess CoolingProcess Heating
Pump SystemsRefrigerationSteam SystemsWater Efficiency
Water Treatment   

Virtual Trainings by the Numbers

Who Can Participate?

Participation in Virtual Trainings is open to all US manufacturers including manufacturing plants, supply chains, utilities, and other external stakeholders and is offered at no charge. 

How do I Benefit?

Participants will learn technology fundamentals, receive training on tools, and take away lessons to identify energy-saving opportunities and implement best practices at their facilities. The trainings ensure attendees are familiar with working principles, and best practices, and have the capability to analyze the energy performance of industrial energy systems. The homework assignments are also designed to enhance participants' understanding of the topics covered. 

Interested in Learning More?

Visit the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Virtual Trainings Hub to learn about past trainings and what to expect during each session. To find out more about upcoming trainings and how to register, please visit the Trainings Hub. Registration will open a few weeks before the first training date.

For any questions, contact Wei Guo at: