The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recognized Iron Mountain Data Centers for its commitment to energy efficiency through DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge. Since joining the program in 2016, Iron Mountain met its first energy-savings goal of 20% and has now set a new goal of improving data center power usage efficiency (PUE) by 30% over a five-year period across three data centers—or nearly 600,000 square feet of built space. Iron Mountain’s data centers operate on 100% renewable energy, and the organization achieved the first simultaneous, enterprise-wide ISO 50001 Energy Management and ISO 14001 Environmental Management certifications in the industry. Iron Mountain also joined the Better Buildings Waste Reduction Pilot as the company works to increase its landfill diversion and begin implementing net-zero waste strategies. Iron Mountain shared its best practices through a virtual tour of the cutting-edge energy efficiency technologies at its data centers, including its geothermal cooling system.