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Reduce Laboratory Energy Use

Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers (ULF) Specification Specification

This energy only specification provides a description of required performance characteristics resulting in increased energy savings for ULTs in laboratories.

Fume Hood Sash Management Campaign Implementation Guide Guidance

This document describes how to implement a fume hood sash management campaign.

Fume Hood Sash Stickers Increase Laboratory Safety and Efficiency at Minimal Cost Case Study

Providing supply and exhaust air to laboratory fume hoods is highly energy intensive, yet many researchers forget to shut the sash after use. To address the confusion, a lab manager at the University of California designed a bold vinyl sticker to attach on the exterior sidewall of a fume hood that uses the ubiquitous traffic light color scheme. The low-cost project led to energy savings and safety benefits.

Getting Below Six Air Changes Report

This document provides highlights from Better Buildings Alliance members that have optimized minimum ACR to reduce energy use while maintaining or improving safety – especially cases where the ACR has been reduced below 6 ACH1.

office photo
Laboratory Ventilation Flow Rates at Cornell Guidance

This presentation addresses laboratory ventilation flow rates. 

Ultra-low Temperature Freezer User Guide Guidance

This guide describes procedures to operate ULT freezers efficiently and to improve sample access.

Field Demonstration of High-Efficiency Ultra-Low-Temperature Laboratory Freezers Report

This report summarizes the results of a DOE Better Buildings Alliance field demonstration to show the energy savings possible with high-efficiency equipment.

UC Irvine
UC Irvine: Developing an Integrated Smart Lab Program Implementation Model

UC Irvine's integrated “Smart Lab” program improves lab energy efficiency through an array of control and sensor technologies; labs using this program can achieve energy savings of up to 60%.

UC Berkley Campus - blue sky with buildings in foreground
UC Berkeley: Energy Savings Through Campus and Occupant Engagement Implementation Model

UC Berkeley's Energy Management Initiative (EMI) targets building occupants through building surveys and energy dashboards, and allocates energy cost responsibility to individual campus operating units to achieve savings of $6.5 million in just three years.