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Space Conditioning

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Commercial space conditioning (heating, cooling, and ventilating) accounts for about 7.0 quads of primary energy per year, or about 40% of total commercial energy use in the United States. Through the Space Conditioning Technology Research Team, partners work together to deploy energy-saving space-conditioning strategies by partnering with industry on the Advance Rooftop Unit Campaign, coordinating real world building demonstrations, and generating tools to help partners understand and improve the performance of HVAC systems.

Advanced RTU Control Retrofits

High Performance RTU Challenge

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Case Study

Implementing High-Efficiency Rooftop Units in Leased Buildings Case Study

Efficiency Vermont successfully completed a 66-rooftop unit (RTU) high-efficiency replacement project on a large 140,000 square foot office building in Vermont. Real savings nearly doubled the estimated savings of $41,000 annually and was recognized by DOE's Advanced RTU Campaign.

Arby’s Innovative RTU Management Approach Case Study

Arby's Restaurant Group developed a comprehensive, portfolio-wide rooftop unit (RTU) assessment approach that has led to over $280,000 and nearly 3 million kWh in annual savings.

Fontana Unified School District Goes Back to School with High-Efficiency RTUs Case Study

Fontana Unified School District in Southern California used grant money to install over 200 high-efficiency RTUs in 30 buildings across four schools, resulting in $214,000 saved per year.

Target: Rooftop Unit Replacement Case Study

Through its partnership with the Better Buildings Advanced Rooftop Unit Campaign (ARC), Target has developed a highly successful rooftop unit replacement program that will produce estimated cost savings of $1.3 million annually.

Walgreens: Rooftop Unit (RTU) Replacement Program Case Study

This case study details Walgreens' successful development of a program to strategically retire RTUs prior to failure and replace them with high-efficiency units. In just 150 stores, this project brought back more than $1 million in savings from material and labor budgets.

Publix: RTU Evaluation Case Study

The U.S. Department of Energy developed the RTU Challenge to test high performance rooftop air- conditioning units versus standard units at two Publix store locstions, which resulted in anual energy and utility costs savings of 16,000 kWh and $1,600 respectively.

Adidas: Rooftop Unit Replacement Case Study

As part of their efficiency efforts, Adidas is involved in DOE's Advanced Rooftop Unit Campaign (ARC). They successfully implemented a planned rooftop unit (RTU) replacement program to save energy and avoid costly emergency replacements. The new high-efficiency RTUs have helped Adidas reduce both maintence costs and electricty consumption by 20% and 40% depending on location.

  • RTU Inventory Spreadsheet
    The rooftop unit inventory spreadsheet can be used to gather basic RTU information in a streamlined evaluation process.

    RTU Field Evaluation Checklist
    The RTU Field Evaluation Checklist is a visual-based field evaluation to help identify damage, dysfunction, or degradation that requires more than routine maintenance.

    Advanced Energy Retrofit Guides
    The Advanced Energy Retrofit Guides (AERGs) provide practical roadmaps and example efficiency measures for effectively planning and implementing performance improvements in existing buildings. The AERG series covers K-12 schools, retail buildings, grocery stores, office buildings, and healthcare facilities.

    Buildings Re-tuning Training
    Re-tuning is a low-cost process to identify and correct building operational problems that lead to energy waste. The Department of Energy and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory developed training curricula focused on re-tuning large and small commercial buildings.

    ENERGY STAR® Building Upgrade Manual
    This manual contains energy-saving building upgrades and cost-effective retrofit opportunities. See Chapter 5 for retro-commissioning, Chapter 8 for air-distribution systems, and Chapter 9 for heating and cooling upgrades.

    Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) purchasing requirements
    A FEMP resource on procuring high-efficiency products, many not covered by ENERGY STAR®. Although developed for a federal audience, they can apply to the private sector. 

    HVAC Equipment Replacement: Integrated Systems Package
    Lawrence Berkeley National Lab created an integrated systems package (ISP) for achieving deeper energy savings during RTU equipment replacement in existing commercial buildings. To minimize required expertise and effort, the ISP includes a checklist, specifications, and procedures for a high-efficiency RTU, advanced controls, energy monitoring, and envelope improvements to reduce HVAC sizing.


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Marcus Bianchi is a senior research engineer with the Building Energy Science Group. He is a thermal energy expert and conducts research in modeling, analysis, and testing of advanced building envelope components and systems to improve the energy performance of buildings. Marcus returned to NREL in 2019 after eight years at Owens Corning, where he led the Building Science team. He is active at ASHRAE, where he was chair of Technical Committee 4.4—Building Materials and Building Envelope Performance. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University and is a licensed professional engineer in Colorado.