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Outdoor Lighting Regulatory Resources

Regulatory Barriers and Solution Pathways for Municipal LED Street Lighting Conversions Guidance

This brief focuses on regulatory barriers, which have proven to be widespread in the experience of Accelerator participants. The brief reviews the structure of street lighting tariffs and the costs and assumptions that underlie them. It then lays out pathways that municipalities can take to move street lighting retrofits forward in the presence of these barriers, including regulatory and legislative mechanisms. Along the way, the brief references cases of successes and challenges in pursuing these pathways.

Adopting Energy-efficient Technologies for Street Lighting: Overcoming Challenges for Utilities Guidance

This brief discusses energy-efficient street lighting technologies and conversions from the utility’s perspective and identifies various business cases for undertaking street lighting upgrades. It reviews the costs and benefits of utility investment in energy efficiency technologies and smart infrastructure for utility-owned streetlights; presents lessons learned and best practices for LED conversions for utility-owned street lights; discusses street light buyback options from the utility’s perspective; and reviews success.