The Street and Parking Facility Lighting Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool helps to analyze the cost and return-on-investment from street and parking facility lighting efficiency projects.

Across the nation, outdoor lighting helps communities create a safe environment for residents and business owners to live, work, play, and travel. This is a vital public service supported by taxpayer dollars that municipalities and their utilities provide, and there are many solutions that municipalities are adopting for LED conversions.

This guidance complements the Street and Parking Facility Lighting Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool. It provides instructions on file functions, clarification of the assumptions, and detailed instructions for project-specific inputs.

Components of the life-cycle cost analysis used in the Street and Parking Facility Lighting Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool are explained.

The Street and Parking Facility Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool provides the ability to perform detailed, relatively complex analysis of the costs and benefits from street and parking facility lighting efficiency projects.