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Smart Energy Analytics - Guidance & Reports

The Guidance and Reports documents below are designed to help you gain foundational knowledge on energy management information system (EMIS) technologies and begin taking action within your own portfolio. Click on each resource to learn more.


Proving the Business Case for Building Analytics: Results from the Smart Energy Analytics Campaign
The final report from Smart Energy Analytics Campaign collected various data on EMIS from the commercial building owners and operators who joined as participants – the largest known dataset of information on EMIS use. The campaign supported 104 organizations with 6,500 buildings covering over half a billion square feet of combined floor area, with a projected total savings of $95 million and 4.1 trillion Btu.

EMIS Offers Proven Savings and Return on Investment
The data generated through the Smart Energy Analytics Campaign provides industry with the largest existing body of evidence of the value of EMIS and expected payback. This one-pager summarizes the business case for EMIS adoption and how it was established.


Using EMIS to Identify Top Opportunities for Commercial Building Efficiency
An overview of the top energy-savings opportunities in commercial buildings and how they can be identified using the interval meter analytics offered in energy information system (EIS) technologies or automated analytics in fault detection and diagnostic (FDD) systems.

EMIS Specification and Procurement Support Updated December 2020
This annotated Request for Proposal (RFP) template includes an EMIS technology specification, an ongoing services specification, RFP evaluation criteria, and more.

Request For Proposal (RFP) Examples List
This resource collects example RFPs from Smart Energy Analytics Campaign participants.

Characterization and Survey of Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostic (AFDD) Tools
This report from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory explores available AFDD technologies for commercial buildings.


A Primer on Organizational Use of EMIS
A primer on how to plan and implement EMIS and steps for maximizing your success.

What You Need to Know about Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx)
Monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) is a way to maintain and continuously improve building performance over time. This one-pager describes MBCx and its benefits and provides information to get you started with implementing MBCx.

MBCx Plan Template
The template is designed for use by building staff (e.g., an Energy Manager) or a third party (e.g., Commissioning Provider). Once created, the MBCx Plan drives a thorough, methodical MBCx process and helps ensure that all team members (internal and external) are fully aware of the plan and their responsibilities.

EMIS Field Evaluation Protocol
This document provides state-of-the-art field validation protocols for EMIS software analysis technologies. 

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