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GHG Emissions Reduction Audit Scope of Work Template

This package of materials is intended to be used by building owners and operators to develop a scope of work for a building-level Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Audit for operational Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. The aim of the scope of work template is to achieve building-level solutions that will reduce operational emissions. 

  • The Word document includes instructions on how to use these materials, the audit scope of work template, and details on the audit process. The scope of work is presented in tables organized by energy efficiency, electrification, onsite renewables, refrigerants, and optional scope. Appendices provide additional support for developing the scope of work.
  • The PowerPoint file can be used to edit Figure 1 within the Word document, showing the scope of work in a visual format. 

Authors + Acknowledgements
Nora Hart, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hannah Kramer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Affiliate
Jessica Granderson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


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