PORTFOLIO-WIDE LEADERSHIP COMMITMENTS 20% reduction in energy intensity Performance Data Solutions Presentation Electrification in Existing Multifamily Buildings: Challenges and Solutions Presentation Electrification in Existing Multifamily Buildings: Challenges and Solutions Webinar Addressing Energy Burden and Workforce Development in Low-Income Communities Webinar A New Frontier: Electrification in Multifamily Housing Webinar Balancing the Benefits of Community Solar in Multifamily Housing Presentation Multifamily Meet-Up Presentation Multifamily Meet-Up Presentation Building Futures: Providing Sustainable Career Pathways for Residents Presentation Building Futures: Providing Sustainable Career Pathways for Residents Implementation Model NYCHA: Using Energy Performance Contracts to Implement a Portfolio-wide Capital and Energy Plan Presentation Multifamily Meet-Up: The Year Behind and The Year Ahead Presentation Keeping the Lights On: Stories from Housing Providers on Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Showcase Project New York City Housing Authority: 344 East 28th Street Presentation Portfolio-Wide Planning and Passive House Properties Presentation Portfolio-Wide Planning and Passive House Properties