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Minimise USA

Financial Ally


Finance $250M in energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy projects

Markets Served

Minimise expanded across the United States through, among other means, buying consortiums and purchasing co-ops. On the International front, the company has also evolved to become Minimise Global with offices around the world making it possible to help climate health around the globe; a stated Minimise mission!

Products and Services

NCOPA - No-Cost Financing, International Standards for Measurement and Verification, Real-time analytics, Energy Monitoring and Mentoring, IoT Driven Energy Management, LED Lighting Solutions, HVAC and Chiller Solutions, Indoor Air Quality COVID-Protocols/Fresh Air and Sanitization Solutions, Renewable Energy Solutions, Fuel Saving Solutions, Power Conditioning Digital Transformation, Water and Waste Water Solutions, Change and Mindset Management.

To Learn More, Contact

Name: Daniel Badran
Title: CEO & President
Phone: 407-212-7242