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Creative Energy

Financial Ally


Finance $25M in energy efficiency, water efficiency, renewable energy, or other decarbonization projects.

Markets Served

Creative Energy develops, funds and operates district energy systems across North America and all 50 states. Their systems provide hot water, heating, and cooling to hospitals, higher education campuses, data centers, and large residential developments. 

In addition to owning and operating one of North America’s largest thermal networks in downtown Vancouver, Canada, Creative Energy provides value to developers, landowners, end-users and the broader community through flexible thermal neighborhood energy systems. The organization’s projects focus on innovation, resiliency, and sustainability. This is achieved by incorporating a broad spectrum of technologies such as microgrids, solar, geothermal and sewer heat recovery.

Serving customers for over 55 years with a reliability rate of 99.99%, Creative Energy is developing low-carbon district energy systems across North America, including the revitalization and decarbonization of the downtown Vancouver steam plant. This will be one of North America’s largest thermal fuel-switch projects and will provide downtown Vancouver with renewable energy infrastructure for decades to come.

Products and Services

Creative Energy develops and funds turnkey district energy systems that provide low-carbon heating, cooling, and domestic hot water. The organization develops new systems as well as update existing campus central plant utilities. Creative Energy begins by determining feasibility of a district energy solution. They then develop, fund, and construct the system. Once operational, Creative Energy will operate and maintain the system, and customers receive a monthly bill for thermal energy service. This model eliminates the need to invest capital dollars while providing clean and reliable energy at a predictable price.

To Learn More, Contact

Name: Chris Olmsted
Title: Director of Development
Phone: 206-356-4311
Email Address: