This plan serves as the toolkit guide and includes primary information that will be used to maintain the local ESPC network. It spells out the communications goals, target audiences (i.e., key stakeholders), messaging, workplan, and resources.
This brief PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of local ESPC efforts to date, including the process and key players. It includes speaker’s notes and can be tailored for any audience.
This two-page template is intended as a leave-behind after the overview presentation or as a handout for a smaller meeting where the overview presentation might not be necessary. The summary follows the outline of the presentation and includes more details.
Use this two-page report template to summarize the jurisdiction’s cumulative ESPC progress and highlight annual results and recent successes. It is intended for distribution to stakeholders, as well as for media release. It can also be used as a companion leave-behind to the Summary Handout.