Low Carbon Pilot participants worked with DOE and the national laboratories to document their work toward low carbon status in Action Plan Templates. Click on the resources below for more information.
Example Templates
Building and Plant owners can use example templates to outline and prioritize decarbonization projects at a specific site or facility.
Commercial and Public Building Action Plan Template
This draft action plan template serves as an example to help guide other organizations to create a building-level action plan to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
Industrial Facility Action Plan Template
This industrial facility action plan template is designed to help facilities think through low carbon strategies to develop low carbon pathways.
Columbia Association Action Plan Template
Columbia Association provided a complete action plan template as part of it's participation within the Low Carbon Pilot. This plan outlines the strategies Columbia Association implemented within energy efficiency, on-site renewables, and PPA’s/utility offerings for a community center and a fitness club.
Los Angeles United School District Action Plan Template
LAUSD completed an action plan template as part of it's participation in the Low Carbon Pilot. This plan outlines strategies LAUSD implemented to decarbonize two classrooms and instructional buildings. These strategies focused on energy efficiency, on-site renewables, off-site renewables, grid integration, and PPA’s/utility offerings.
Blank Templates
Click on the blank templates below to outline your decarbonization project today.
Commercial and Public Building Action Plan Template
This blank action plan template can be used to create a building-level action plan to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
Industrial Facility Action Plan Template
This blank action plan template can be used to create a facility-level action plan to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.