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Verification Bodies

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ANAB-accredited Superior Energy Performance 50001 (SEP 50001) Verification Bodies provide high-quality auditing services and certify facilities to ISO 50001 and SEP 50001.

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Verification Bodies

Verification Bodies: The following organizations are accredited to conduct audits for SEP 50001 (2019)*. 

Applicant Verification Body: Applicants can issue SEP 50001 certificates once accreditation to ANAB is successfully completed and the agreement with DOE is signed. 

  • There are no applicant Verification Bodies at this time.

If the certification body that you typically contract with is not listed above, please encourage that organization to apply to become an SEP 50001 Verification Body. Find out how to confirm that your certification body can conduct the audit and certify your organization (coming soon).

Facilities hire an SEP 50001 Verification Body and pay them directly. Please contact the Verification Bodies above to inquire about auditing rates and fees.

Become an SEP 50001 Verification Body

SEP 50001 Verification Bodies are required to:

  • conform to the MSE 50028-2 standard for SEP 50001 (2019) 
  • obtain ANAB accreditation, and
  • sign a participation agreement with the SEP 50001 Program Administrator (U.S. Department of Energy).

ANAB accredits Verification Bodies for SEP 50001; for more details, contact Tina Garner at (414) 501-5481 or
