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Funding and Incentives Resource Hub

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Looking to implement energy efficiency upgrades, renewable energy and decarbonization projects, or other sustainability initiatives? The Funding and Incentives Resource Hub can help you navigate and discover the many rebates, funding opportunities, and other incentives including those available through the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

This new hub will continue to evolve as we add resources as they become available*, so be sure to check back frequently. You can refine your search by sector, technology, source, and type using the filters below.

Commercial, Data Center, Financial Services

The resources on this website highlight opportunities for the real estate industry to leverage and/or access federal infrastructure funds to support sustainability, resilience, health, and real estate and economic development goals.

Publishing Organization: Urban Land Institute 

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

The article provides a summary on clean energy tax credits, carbon management, and investment in low-carbon materials and buildings.

Publishing Organization: Bipartisan Policy Center

Local Government, Education, Commercial

This article provides in depth information about Investment Tax Credits for the nonprofit sector and guidance on the application process, bonus credits, stackable incentives. and more.

Publishing Organization: Clean Energy Group

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

USGBC and ASHRAE hosted a webinar discussing how to leverage Inflation Reduction Act for going green. 

Publishing Organization: U.S. Green Building Council

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

This document provides an overview of tax provisions most relevant to existing buildings and new construction.

Publishing Organization: U.S. Green Building Council

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Industrial, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

This Guidebook is intended to provide state and local governments with a resource to leverage Inflation Reduction Act funding to decarbonize buildings in their jurisdictions. This Guidebook provides an overview of relevant tax credits and programs, in addition to a range of strategies that leverage IRA funding to maximize overall impact.

Publishing Organization: U.S. Green Building Council

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Industrial, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

This resource dives into how the Inflation Reduction Act can be leveraged for Green Buildings projects.

Publishing Organization: U.S. Green Building Council

Commercial, Multifamily

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office, this prize offers up to $2 million to encourage the production of high-performance, cost-effective secondary glazing systems to improve the efficiency of commercial windows. Register for an informational webinar on February 27th and apply for the prize by June 13, 2024.

Publishing organization: Herox, The U.S. Department of Energy

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Industrial, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (Public Law 117-169) amended the Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit (IRC 30D), now known as the Clean Vehicle Credit, and added a new requirement for final assembly in North America that took effect on August 17, 2022. Additional requirements apply for vehicles placed in service (delivered) on or after January 1, 2023, and the amount of the credit will depend on whether the vehicle meets new critical minerals and battery components requirements for vehicles placed in service after April 17, 2023.

Publishing organization: The Department of Energy

Commercial, Education, Local Government, State Government

The $7.49 million Community Energy Innovation Prize is the successor of two U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) prizes related to community-based clean energy innovation: the Community Clean Energy Coalition Prize and the Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize. The Community Energy Innovation Prize aims to support local organizations with proven track records of engaging underserved communities and/or promoting environmental, climate, and energy justice as they enact community-led climate and clean energy solutions.

Industrial, Commercial

This document contains proposed regulations to implement the advanced manufacturing production credit established by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 to incentivize the production of eligible components within the United States.

Publishing organization: The Internal Revenue Service

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Industrial, Local Government, Multifamily, State Government, Utility

DOE announced $171 million for 49 selected projects to reduce industrial greenhouse gas emissions. EERE’s Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office also announced open applications for an $83 million funding opportunity to decrease emissions from hard-to-decarbonize industrial sectors, which represent roughly 30% of total U.S. carbon emissions. Interested industry should
submit a concept paper by March 19.

Commercial, Multifamily, Residential

Beginning January 1, 2023, this credit is available to businesses and individuals that place qualified refueling property into service during the tax year. Residential or Commercial Businesses that installed qualified vehicle refueling and recharging property in their home or business may qualify for the alternative fuel refueling property tax credit. Qualifying property will be limited to property placed in service within low-income communities or non-urban census tracts. The credit was extended and modified by the Inflation Reduction Act. The credit allowed is based on the placed-in-service date for the qualifying property.
Publishing Organization: Internal Revenue Service

Commercial, Education, Industrial, Utility

This rebate program, offered by the Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC), aims to help qualified entities—such as certain domestic manufacturers, utilities, hospitals, schools, and other operators—replace qualified energy inefficient transformers with qualified energy efficient transformers. The application is free and MESC will solicit applications for rebates until the program deadline of December 8, 2023, or until funds are expended. 

Publishing organization: The Department of Energy


The 179D commercial buildings energy efficiency tax deduction is a permanent tax deduction for making energy efficiency improvements to interior lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, water heating, and building envelope systems in commercial buildings. Eligible recipients include commercial building owners, and for certain tax-exempt entities, the person primarily responsible for the design of the upgrades. Learn more in the 179D portal.
Publishing Organization: The Department of Energy

Commercial, Industrial

This tax credit provides a technology-neutral tax credit for investment in facilities that generate clean electricity and is applicable to facilities placed in service after 12/31/2024, with phasing out beginning in 2032, or when U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from electricity are 25% of 2022 emissions or lower. This tax credit will replace the Investment Tax Credit for Energy Property (ITC) beginning January 1, 2025.
Publishing Organization: Interagency Working Group on Coal & Power Plant Communities & Economic Revitalization

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Industrial, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

The Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit, part of the Landfill Methane Outreach Program, is a per kilowatt hour tax credit for electricity generated by qualified renewable energy resources. Eligible facilities include wind, biomass, geothermal, solar, small irrigation, landfill and trash, hydropower, and marine and hydrokinetic. Applications are open through January 25, 2025.
Publishing Organization: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Industrial, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

The Extended Product System Rebates Program is designed to provide rebates for qualified extended product systems (i.e., electric motor, electronic control, and driven load). This resource also provides an implementation guide.
Publishing Organization: The Department of Energy 

Commercial, Data Center, Education, Financial Services, Industrial, Local Government, Multifamily, Residential, State Government, Utility

The 25C: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit is a resource that provides information on tax credits available for businesses for energy-related projects. 
Publishing organization: The Internal Revenue Service