Historically, the industrial sector depended on fossil fuels as its primary energy source, which can produce substantial GHG emissions. Utilizing energy from low-carbon fuels, such as clean hydrogen or sustainable biofuels, can help reduce emissions. Feedstock refers to material input to industrial processes to manufacture products. Potential sources of low-carbon feedstocks include clean hydrogen, bio-based feedstocks, and end-of-life materials like scrap steel and recycled plastics. The Better Plants Program works with partners in the industrial sector to show their success in using low-carbon fuel and feedstock to reduce their emissions.
Generating clean hydrogen with renewable energy or fossil fuels using carbon capture can help reduce emissions from a range of energy-intensive and hard-to-decarbonize sectors such as chemicals, iron, and steel.

Renewable Natural Gas
Renewable natural gas is the gas produced from the decomposition of organic matter that has been purified to pipeline-quality fuel and can be fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas.
Renewable Biofuels
Biomass can be directly converted to liquid fuels and are referred to as biofuels such as biodiesel and ethanol. It can be easily used to meet transportation fuel needs and reduce emissions.