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Commercial Building Heat Pump Campaign

heat pump rtu

Heat pump rooftop units (RTUs) are estimated to reduce GHG emissions and energy costs by up to 50% compared with conventional RTUs (with natural gas heating), but fewer than 15% of commercial buildings in the U.S. currently have heat pumps.

As part of the Commercial Building Heat Pump Accelerator, the Commercial Building Heat Pump Campaign aims to help commercial building owners and operators reduce greenhouse gas emissions and operating costs by increasing the adoption of both existing and emerging heat pump technologies. DOE will provide building owners and operators with resources and guidance to deploy heat pump technology to support both site-level and portfolio-level installations. 

What are the benefits of joining?

In collaboration with the National Laboratories, the campaign will provide building owners and operators with technical assistance, which includes: 

  • Decision trees and guidance documents to support site-level and portfolio-level evaluations
  • Estimates on the energy, economic, and emissions comparisons for different geographic and climate regions
  • Case studies showcasing how building owners have successfully implemented heat pump RTUs to achieve their decarbonization goals
  • Peer-to-peer learning through working groups on topic areas, including manufacturers' equipment specifications, validation activities, workforce challenges, utility engagement, and more.

How Can I Get Involved?

To join the campaign, fill out the Partnership Agreement form and send it to The campaign team will reach out to schedule a discussion with your organization. Learn more in the Commercial Building Heat Pump Accelerator fact sheet.

Other Resources

Decision MatrixHeat Pump Rooftop Unit Decision Matrix 
Use this decision tree to help identify what type of heat pump rooftop unit best suits your building's needs.


worms eye view of blue sky and buildingsKey Considerations for Adopting Commercial Heat Pump Rooftop Units
This document highlights the key elements to consider for commercial building portfolio owners when deciding whether adopting HP RTUs for a site is the way forward. 

buildingsHeat Pump RTU Switchover Temperature Guidance
Learn more about the types of heat pump RTUs and considerations for switchover temperatures in this guidance document.



Case Study: Columbia Association Dual Fuel Heat Pump RTUs 
Columbia Association replaced gas heat RTUs with dual fuel heat pump RTUs, which decreased their emissions while maintaining performance. 


lausdCase Study: LAUSD Heat Pump Rooftop Units
To achieve the energy and GHG emissions reduction goals, LAUSD utilizes electric heat pump rooftop and wall-hung units, and other heat pump technologies, as the primary option for space heating and cooling systems for its school and administrative facilities.