Better Buildings partners and stakeholders share their replicable, proven success stories through Implementation Models, Showcase Projects, Solutions-at-a-Glance, and more.
Implementation Models
Implementation models identify sustainable solutions to address organizational barriers to energy or water efficiency.
Showcase Projects
Showcase Projects highlight innovative efforts that helped partners achieve 20% or more energy savings at a single building or facility.
Solutions-at-a-Glance focus on specific tools or processes developed to advance energy efficiency strategies.
Other Resources
Other Resources include technical reports, fact sheets, specifications, presentations, guidance documents, FAQs, and more.
Additional Solutions
Find Financing Solutions
The Better Buildings Financing Navigator is an online tool that helps public and private sector organizations like yours find financing solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
Top Partner Solutions
Each month, Better Buildings curates a list of top solutions shared by partners. Check out the most recent list of solutions the first week of every month!
Energy & Water Data Displays
View energy and water data submitted by Better Buildings Challenge partners and learn about their progress towards their efficiency goals.