A good place to start investigating for energy savings is in your plant’s lighting system. In the industrial sector, lighting accounts for less than 5% of the overall energy footprint, but in some sectors it can be higher. Also, the costs of implementation have come down significantly, which has yielded quicker paybacks that make lighting upgrades more viable and compelling. The lighting landscape continues to change from year to year at a pace that strongly suggests a review of a facilities’ lighting should be considered every 5 years. New advancements in lighting technology and controls have opened up opportunities for better quality lighting with lower energy consumption while offering flexibility to use light levels as needed. Utility companies across the United States have continued to encourage lighting upgrades and many offer financial incentives.
Key Steps to Consider
- Conduct a lighting audit – every 5 years
- Consider redesign rather than "remove and replace" option
- Consider lighting controls for improved efficiency
- Check with local utilities for rebates and incentives
Explore additional resources specific to Better Plants partners and connect with the lighting-subject matter expert below.