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Why Join Better Plants? 

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Better Plants Program works with leading manufacturers to boost their efficiency, resilience, and economic competitiveness through making improvements in energy efficiency. Driving energy savings can have a broad impact across the industrial sector, which leads to cost savings, greater resilience, a strengthened workforce, and increased global competitiveness. 

Manufacturing companies and wastewater treatment organizations partner with Better Plants, to set specific energy, water, and waste reduction goals, and commit to reducing energy intensity by typically 25% over a 10-year period across all their U.S. operations. Better Plants provides support via technical assistance, tools, resources, and national recognition to help partners achieve their goals. 


Join Better Plants at the Program Level

Any U.S.-based manufacturing company or industrial-scale energy-using organizations, e.g. water/wastewater treatment, can join Better Plants, regardless of size or level of energy management expertise. Partners set ambitious energy efficiency goals and will receive the full portfolio of technical assistance solutions, recognition & networking opportunities and access to innovation.

Contact for further information. Organizations joining Better Plants:

  • Receive technical support from a Technical Account Manager in developing metrics and energy baselines.
  • Receive access to networking opportunities with other partners.
  • Are eligible to greater access to innovation and national labs.
  • Are eligible for national recognition for energy performance accomplishments.

To join, sign the 2-page partnership agreement form. The form should be signed by the CEO or a senior executive and submitted to

Download Form 


Join the Better Plants Challenge

Over 40 leading industrial organizations have stepped up to the Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge, the industrial component of the Better Buildings Challenge – a national, multi-sector energy efficiency leadership initiative.

In addition to setting energy efficiency goals, Better Plants Challenge Partners provide added transparency around their market-leading strategies, actions, and results—to help other organizations replicate their success. Challenge partners’ exceptional efforts are eligible for enhanced recognition from DOE. 

Contact for further information. Organizations joining Better Plants Challenge:

  • Receive two free case studies.
  • Receive an annual visit from DOE leadership. 
  • Receive initial consideration for speaking opportunities at the Better Buildings Summit or at conferences sponsored by Better Plants and DOE.
  • Receive the Better Plants Challenge posters that can be displayed in their plants and/or corporate headquarters.
  • Are eligible for ad hoc and other publicity opportunities as described in the “Recognizing Partner Achievements” fact sheet.

To join, sign the 2-page Better Plants Challenge partnership agreement form. The form should be signed by the CEO or a senior executive and submitted to 

Download Form 


Join the Better Climate Challenge

The Better Climate Challenge is a voluntary, market-based platform for organizations to set ambitious, portfolio-wide, operational GHG emissions reduction goals and showcase how they are taking steps to address climate change.

Partnering organizations commit to reducing their scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by at least 50% within 10 years. Partners set an energy efficiency target as well, typically 20%.

Contact for further information. Organizations joining Better Plants Climate Challenge:

  • Receive national recognition for achieving program milestones and GHG emissions reductions.
  • Receive recognition for sharing innovative and cost-effective GHG reduction implementation strategies.
  • Receive technical assistance and decarbonization implementation strategies from DOE to support their commitment to measure, track, and improve portfolio-wide GHG emissions performance.
  • Are eligible to participate in peer-to-peer learning opportunities among partners and engage in working groups to discuss barriers and identify solutions.

To join, sign the 2-page Better Plants Climate Challenge partnership agreement form. Existing Better Buildings and Better Plants partners can email their program contact(s), indicating interest in joining the GHG challenge.

Download Form 

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