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Diagnostic Tools

Workers at facility

Accurate, reliable measurements of operating data is a critical part of energy efficiency at both the equipment and system level. But plant personnel do not always have access to the necessary instruments, may not know the right tool to use, or lack sufficient justification to purchase one. The Field Validation and Diagnostic Equipment Program helps Better Plants partners address these issues. The program provides partners with access to various instruments to measure their energy consumption. Historically, this equipment was used by Experts for In-Plant Training. Now, partners can directly access equipment free of charge.

DEP Tool Catalog

Browse the full catalog of Better Plants diagnostic tools that are available to help with your energy management. 

Diagnostic Equipment Application

The Diagnostic Equipment Program allows facility operators working on energy efficiency projects to access various tools to gather energy systems' operation data.

Diagnostic Equipment Brochure

Explore how borrowing the Better Plants diagnostic tools can help with your energy management.