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Better Buildings Toolkits

Better Buildings toolkits are designed to help you take action. Each one contains guidance, resources, and proven best practices for overcoming common barriers to financing, technology implementation, data management, and more. Check out our toolkit spotlight for some of our most popular toolkits used by partners, or browse toolkits by topic below.

Toolkit Spotlight

Popular Toolkit - Learn how to establish and implement Energy Savings Performance Contracting: ESPC Toolkit
Popular Toolkit - Expand access to Clean Energy in Low-Income Communities: CELICA Toolkit
Popular Toolkit - Evaluate and assess high-performance street lighting technologies: Outdoor Lighting Toolkit
Popular Toolkit - Access energy and cost savings at your wastewater facility: Wastewater Energy Management Toolkit

Find a Toolkit

View the full list of Better Buildings Toolkits. Use the filters to sort by barrier, sector, technology, and more.

Discover Technology Info Suites

Technology Information Suites are designed to help you better understand and overcome technical barriers related to specific technologies.

Emissions Reduction Planning Toolkit

DOE developed the ERP toolkit to better assist buildings and industry in organizing and implementing an Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP). 



Explore Toolkits by Topic

Below is a list of selected toolkits grouped by frequently searched topics; check back for updates and new information.  

Decarbonization |  Energy Data Management | Financing | Lighting | Renewables | Space Conditioning | View all Toolkits 


Sun shining through building

Emissions Reduction Planning Toolkit
To better assist buildings and industry in organizing and implementing an Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP), DOE developed the ERP toolkit. Organizations seeking to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can use the tools and guidance to create an emissions reduction strategy.


Supporting Commercial to Zero Emissions Housing Toolkit
This toolkit provides information about a select set of technical and financial resources to support financially viable and zero emissions pathways for office-to-housing conversion.  


Low Carbon Pilot Toolkit
This toolkit collects the Low Carbon Pilot’s key learnings and materials from the 65 partners who participated and shared their experiences, successes, and challenges in their pursuit of low carbon emission strategies.



Low Carbon Technology Strategies Toolkit
The primary purpose of this toolkit is to aid owners and operators of existing buildings in planning retrofit and operational strategies to achieve deep carbon reductions.  


Energy Data Management

Energy Data Access: Blueprint for Action
Resources to help building owners and communities overcome a lack of access to energy data for benchmarking and highlights examples of effective partnerships between utilities, communities, and building owners.



Smart Energy Analytics Campaign Toolkit
This Toolkit collects the Campaign's best resources to help facility owners and managers take advantage of savings opportunities and performance improvements from EMIS and ongoing monitoring practices. 



Commercial PACE for New Construction Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources and project case studies for building owners and developers that may want to take advantage of commercial PACE for new construction.



Commercial PACE Financing for Resiliency Toolkit
An overview for building owners, operators, and occupants that may want to take advantage of CPACE financing to improve resiliency in their facilities.



Efficiency-as-a-Service Toolkit
Resources and project case studies for owners, operators, and occupants that may want to take advantage of efficiency-as-a-service to improve energy and water performance in their facilities.



Finance and Resilience Roadmap
This toolkit is a set of resources and case studies designed to help commercial building owners develop a plan for measuring, managing, and mitigating resilience risk.



Green Revolving Funds
Guidance on overcoming a lack of dedicated capital for energy efficiency projects using a dedicated fund that is replenished by the cost savings generated by energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainability upgrades.



High-Efficiency Interior Lighting Toolkit
This toolkit collects resources from the Interior Lighting Campaign to help facility owners and managers take advantage of savings opportunities from high-efficiency interior lighting solutions.



High-Efficiency Parking Lighting Toolkit
The latest high-efficiency alternatives with energy-saving controls can save building owners over 40% on their parking lot lighting bills.




K-12 Lighting Toolkit
This toolkit covers a wide range of guidance, case studies, specifications, and more related to lighting technologies in K-12 schools.




Incorporate Solar PV on Your Commercial Buildings
These guides and case studies explore the benefits, barriers, and strategies to installing solar on leased buildings, including commercial real estate.




Use Solar Decision Guides to Assess or Implement a Successful On-Site Solar Project
Use these guides for commercial real estate, hospitality, and healthcare buildings to determine if investing in solar makes financial sense and identify the regions that offer the most promising returns on solar investment.


Space Conditioning

Upgrade Your RTU to High-Efficiency
Best practices, guidance, technical resources, and success stories from the Advanced RTU Campaign to enable building owners to take advantage of the energy efficiency savings possible through advanced rooftop units.



High-Efficiency RTUs in Leased Spaces
Example lease language, case studies, and other resources to help building owners and tenants effectively include high-efficiency RTUs in leases.




RTU Evaluation Methodology
Materials to guide building owners and facility managers through a step-by-step method of evaluating and managing their RTU inventory and identifying opportunities for replacements, retrofits, and quality maintenance practices.