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Federal Smart Buildings Accelerator

As referenced in the Energy Act of 2020, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is supporting the development and launch of a Federal Smart Buildings Accelerator to design and implement specific approaches that would accelerate the adoption of smart building and grid-responsive technologies. This effort is building upon research conducted in the Building Technologies Office and the General Services Administration on grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs). As part of the accelerator, FEMP will develop and validate resources to catalyze the adoption of GEB technologies and develop a GEB-ready recognition program.

Fact Sheet

The Fact Sheet introduces the purpose, importance, and goals of the Federal Smart Buildings Accelerator and outlines the benefits of becoming a partner.

Partnership Agreement

The Federal Smart Buildings Accelerator partners will recruit the servicing utility and any key contractors and help develop an action plan for implementing a grid-interactive smart building.

Want to Learn More?

For more information about the Federal Smart Buildings Accelerator, including how to become a partner, contact the team today.