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Smart Energy Analytics are Key to Building Energy and Cost Savings

By Better Buildings Beat Team on Oct 28, 2020

Over the last four years, DOE’s Smart Energy Analytics Campaign has gathered the most comprehensive dataset available on Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) costs and benefits, working with more than 100 industry partners. In October 2020, the Campaign released its final report on the cost and energy savings possible through EMIS technologies. The report shows that energy information systems (EIS) and fault detection diagnostics (FDD) technology installations had a 2-year simple payback. The median energy saving for EIS was 3% and 9% for FDD. This significant, data-driven demonstration of cost and energy savings illustrates the impact of analytics and the possibilities of increased energy efficiency without significant investment in building upgrades.

The 104 commercial building owner participants total over half a billion square feet of gross floor area with 6,500 buildings. The campaign’s final report presents a characterization of EMIS products, monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) services, and trends in the industry based on the data and experiences of campaign participants.

From 2016-2020, the Smart Energy Analytics Campaign brought together commercial building owners who were using EIS and FDD tools through a MBCx process. Exemplary participants received recognition each year for their achievements. The resources, guidance, and best practices have been collected in the Smart Energy Analytics Campaign Toolkit on the Better Buildings Solution Center.

Learn more about the final report and hear from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory staff about best practices and benefits at the “Final Results on Energy Savings, Costs, and Benefits From the Smart Energy Analytics Campaign” webinar