As 2023 starts, we are excited to share January’s Top Partner Solutions. These solutions have been implemented by partners across the U.S. economy and cover topics ranging from financing, renewables, energy conservation, carbon reduction, and more. Learn from others and the solutions that have worked for them!
Allumia Finances Grocery Store Lighting Upgrade with Efficiency-as-a-Service Model
Using its efficiency-as-a-service (EaaS) offering, Allumia funded and installed a new LED lighting system for independent grocery store Hilltop Red Apple, which enabled Hilltop to upgrade its entire lighting system at once with no upfront costs and guaranteed net-positive energy and maintenance savings. By installing upgrades, including LED fixtures and electric submeters to track performance in real time, Hilltop’s utility bill was reduced from day one and the store is expected to save nearly $150,000 over a 10-year period. Read more.
University of Utah Health Uses RCx and EMIS to Optimize and Manage Performance
To understand the high use of chilled water (CHW) at its properties and optimize air handling units (AHUs), University of Utah Health carried out a retro-commissioning (RCx) after noticing high energy usage from both systems. After updating the CHW and AHUs, the energy team installed a building energy management information system (EMIS) to maintain and monitor performance, which then allowed the team to optimize energy use and better manage performance and resulted in 38% annual CHW savings from the upgrade. Read more.
Community College of Allegheny County Uses a PPA to Finance a 543 KW Solar Installation
Community College of Allegheny County conducted an exploration of solar energy that showed a photovoltaic (PV) array could be cost-effective at this site, but the college did not have the upfront capital to pay for installation. The college worked with a state solar program to request power purchase agreement (PPA) proposals to enable the project with no out-of-pocket costs. Read more.
Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel Uses Submetering to Monitor Water Consumption
Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel took a proactive approach to the California drought issue by significantly cutting water usage while maintaining a premier guest experience. The hotel partnered with its local water utility to take advantage of free submetering to more accurately understand their water consumption, and implemented multiple water savings upgrades. Read more.
Celanese Corporation Developed Sustainability Checklist for Capital Projects
Celanese Corporation identified a need to improve the way the sustainability aspects of a project are evaluated early in the project planning process and how sustainability optimization measures are integrated in capital projects. The company developed a sustainability design consideration checklist for capital projects, enabling standardized project sustainability review that promotes more effective business decisions. Read more.
Aurora Public Schools’ Innovations for Incentivizing Energy Conservation
Aurora Public Schools designed an incentive-based energy program to create excitement for a district-wide energy conservation initiative and to recognize student engagement efforts. As a result of their energy efficiency efforts, Aurora Public Schools has achieved a 12 % savings in energy use intensity per square foot in 2017 from a 2013 baseline as part of its goal to achieve a 20% reduction by 2023. Read more.
How Brandywine Implements Social Equity and Carbon Reduction in Their Portfolio
Brandywine Realty Trust is one of the largest, publicly traded, full-service, integrated real estate companies in the United States, with a core focus in the Philadelphia, PA, Washington, D.C., and Austin, TX markets. As a Green Lease Leader, Brandywine follows sustainable values and practices. Through its green leases and investments in long-term community relationships, Brandywine’s approach shows how to address climate goals in a holistic way. Read more.
City of Chattanooga’s Moccasin Bend Environmental Campus Energy and Water Efficiency Upgrades
After achieving its Better Buildings Challenge energy goal in 2015 six years ahead of schedule, the City of Chattanooga made the ambitious goal of upgrading its facilities as they face challenges from extreme weather events and environmental impacts. The city implemented a holistic approach to improving energy and water efficiency at its Moccasin Bend Environmental Campus saving 27% energy and 24% water annually, ultimately saving $1.4 million per year. Read more.
Atlanta Housing Preserves the Past While Redeveloping for the Future
Atlanta Housing Authority’s Roosevelt Hall Community Center renovation project, designed to achieve LEED Gold certification, improved efficiency while retaining the historical building’s important place in community history. Despite the challenges associated with pursuing green certifications while respecting historical significance, the Roosevelt Hall Community Center is on track to achieve 30% energy savings, 83% total water savings and LEED Gold certification. Read more.
Life Time’s Chanhassen, MN Athletic Club Improves Efficiency While Prioritizing User Experience
Athletic club Life Time Chanhassen has implemented a wide range of projects to improve energy and water efficiency while prioritizing user experience. The Chanhassen athletic club spans 110,000 square feet and includes a 26,000+ square-foot fitness floor, indoor and outdoor pools, steam rooms, and more. With diverse facility needs, Life Time implemented electric, natural gas, and water projects to improve efficiency across the athletic club, reducing energy use by 35% and water use by nearly 60% over the past decade. Read more.
The State of Minnesota’s Guaranteed Energy Savings Program
Through the establishment of its Guaranteed Energy Savings Program, the State of Minnesota delivers technical, financial, and contractual assistance to state agencies to support the implementation of Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC). Within just two years, the initiative built a pipeline of 26 energy efficiency projects with projected annual savings of more than $10 million, helping the State of Minnesota achieve its 20% energy savings goal. Read more.