New technologies for replacement and retrofits of existing rooftop units (RTUs) offer tremendous savings opportunities. To take advantage of those opportunities, the Advanced RTU Campaign developed a streamlined RTU evaluation methodology and resources to help implement it.
1. RTU Inventory
Use the RTU Inventory Spreadsheet to gather basic information (i.e., number, size, age, condition, etc.). Use the detailed fields to gather additional information (i.e., controls, usage patterns, features, etc.) for additional analysis of the RTUs identified for retrofit, replacement, or further analysis.
2. Preliminary Screening
Organize RTUs into bins for “retrofit,” “replacement,” “no action,” or “needs further analysis” according to the results of the initial inventory and the guidance provided by the Decision Tree for RTU Replacements or Retrofits.
3. Field Evaluation
Use the RTU Field Evaluation Checklist to conduct a visual-based field evaluation to further refine the preliminary analysis.
4. Analysis
Perform energy and economic analyses to prioritize potential RTU improvements and to make the business case for taking action. This step may continue throughout the project planning and procurement phases and often requires several iterations to evaluate possible combinations of manufacturers, efficiency levels, sizes, and RTU configurations. Several resources are available to assist with this analysis:
- Business Case for Proactive RTU Replacement
- RTU Incentives Database
- RTU Sizing Guidance
- Advanced RTU Campaign Case Studies
5. Project Planning
Develop a plan for replacements and retrofits, which may involve working directly with a manufacturer, an Energy Service Contractor (ESCO), a full-service engineering company, or an HVAC contractor.
6. Procurement
Prepare a procurement specification(s) for replacement or retrofit of RTUs. Incorporation of quality installation and quality maintenance requirements in the procurement specification is recommended; see sample specification for guidance.
7. Measurement and Verification (M&V)
Use the M&V Guidance Document to determine the appropriate level of M&V for the project and develop an M&V plan.