The Sustainable Wastewater of the Future (SWIFt) Accelerator worked with water resource recovery facilities to accelerate a pathway toward sustainable infrastructure. SWIFt aimed to catalyze the adoption of innovative and best-practice approaches in data management, advanced technologies, and financing for infrastructure improvement. Partners sought to improve the energy efficiency of their participating water resource recovery facilities by at least 25% and integrate at least one resource recovery measure.
DOE continued SWIFt's efforts in the wastewater sector focused on energy recovery and recently completed phase 2 of this accelerator. Learn more about the more than 130 million kWh energy saved.
DOE is offering customized training on the use and implementation of the Wastewater Energy Management (SWIFt) Toolkit to help more facilities set and achieve their energy efficiency goals. Get access to resources, networking, technical support, and recognition.
Dedicated to bringing you the latest actionable insights on today's energy efficiency landscape, the Better Buildings Webinar Series is a chance to explore the topics and trends that affect your organization with industry experts and your peers.
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This toolkit helps water resource recovery facilities establish and implement energy management and planning by collecting best practices and innovative approaches used by wastewater facilities who partnered with DOE's Sustainable Wastewater Infrastructure of the Future (SWIFt) Accelerator.

This fact sheet summarizes the key accomplishments and results from the Sustainable Wastewater Infrastructure of the Future (SWIFt) Accelerator. The Accelerator produced many tools and resources supporting energy data management for wastewater operations, as well as planning, implementation, and financing for comprehensive energy efficiency and resource recovery projects.
Other Resources
Fact Sheet
The Better Buildings Sustainable Wastewater Infrastructure of the Future (SWIFt) Accelerator worked over three years with state, regional, and local agencies that were engaged with water resource recovery facilities in their jurisdiction to accelerate a pathway toward a sustainable infrastructure.
The purpose of this document is to describe the benefits of energy data management, explain how it can help drive savings when linked to a strong energy management program, and provide clear, step-by-step guidance to wastewater treatment plants on how to appropriately track energy performance.
- Greater Lawrence Sanitary DistrictKnoxville Utilities BoardLos Angeles County, CANortheast Ohio Regional Sewer DistrictPhoenix, AZState of AlabamaState of ColoradoState of IllinoisState of IndianaState of KansasState of MichiganState of New HampshireState of North DakotaState of OklahomaState of OregonState of TennesseeState of TexasState of UtahState of WisconsinTallahassee, FLWest Virginia Rural Water Association
State of OklahomaWest Virginia
West Virginia Rural Water AssociationAlabama
State of AlabamaArizona
Phoenix, AZColorado
State of ColoradoOhio
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer DistrictConnecticut
Knoxville Utilities BoardState of TennesseeWisconsin
State of WisconsinMassachusetts
Greater Lawrence Sanitary DistrictRhode Island
State of UtahMichigan
State of MichiganNew Hampshire
State of New HampshireOregon
State of OregonNorth Dakota
State of North DakotaIndiana
State of IndianaKansas
State of KansasCalifornia
Los Angeles County, CA