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Sustainable Corrections Accelerator - Completed

Inside of a corrections facility

The Better Buildings Sustainable Corrections Infrastructure Partnership (SCIP) Accelerator worked over three years with state and federal agencies to strive for portfolio-wide energy savings of 20% and collective cost savings of more than $250 million a year. Accelerator partners demonstrated solutions leveraging energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, and storage technologies to reduce operating and maintenance costs in public correctional facilities while maintaining facility security and resilience and developing the workforce and economies of surrounding communities.

2024 Better Buildings Progress Report

To date, Better Buildings, Better Plants partners have saved more than 3.6 quadrillion Btu, saving more than $22 billion and 224 million metric tons of CO2.

Get Involved

Better Buildings hosts interactive webinars featuring a variety of topics exploring cost-effective ways for organizations to integrate energy savings into their daily building operations. All Better Buildings webinars are free to attend.

Want to Learn More?

For more information about the Better Buildings Sustainable Corrections Infrastructure Partnership Accelerator, including how to become a partner, contact the team today.

Other Resources

Partnership Agreement

Better Buildings Sustainable Corrections Infrastructure Partnership Agreement Form Partnership Agreement

Sustainable Corrections Infrastructure Partnership (SCIP) Accelerator partners will aim for total portfolio savings of 20% through energy and water conservation measures, integration of renewable energy technologies, and energy storage for resilience.


  • Louisiana

    State of Louisiana


    State of Ohio


    State of Pennsylvania

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    State of South Dakota


    State of Illinois


    State of Montana


    State of Hawaii


    State of Wisconsin
    Bayfield County, Wisconsin


    State of Washington

    North Carolina



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    State of Missouri


    State of Oregon