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SWAP 2: U.S. Air Force Academy vs. U.S. Naval Academy

Energy efficiency in buildings on college and university campuses around the country are of utmost importance and pose a great challenge. Different building styles and ages can make managing energy efficiency on a campus difficult. Can the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Air Force Academy give each other a fresh outlook about energy saving opportunities and solutions?

Episode 1: At the U.S. Air Force Academy

Episode 2: At the U.S. Naval Academy

Episode 3: Recommendations & Solutions

Meet the Teams

Meet the energy teams from the Naval and Air Force Academies.


The teams share what they learned from one another.

Bonus Features

Technical Videos: Energy Reseach and Efficiency for Commands




About the SWAP

A cornerstone of the Better Buildings Challenge is recognizing our partners for their leadership and sharing their successful energy saving strategies. The SWAP is our way of continuing to do that in a true behind-the-scenes setting to better showcase how energy savings are achieved, from planning to implementation. Learn more here.