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Implement advanced control strategies for RTUs as a retrofit measure

Most building rooftop air conditioning and heating units lack advanced control strategies for RTUs that can save a significant amount of energy. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office (BTO), evaluated control strategies that can be implemented in a controller to improve the operational efficiency of RTUs.

A 25,000 sq. ft. stand-alone retail store could save $7,000-24,000 a year (per-unit savings range from $2,000-5,900) and a 45,000 sq. ft. supermarket could save between $16,000-52,000 per year (per-unit savings range from $2,700-8,700). Use the Energy Savings and Economics of Advanced Control Strategies for Packaged Air-Conditioning Units with Gas Heat report to estimate the cost of a replacement control and implement advanced control strategies.

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