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Energy Data - Completed

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Building owners need information about energy use in order to measure and manage it. However, many building owners cannot access this information. Through the Better Buildings Energy Data Accelerator, local governments joined forces with their local utilities to make it easier for building owners to get access to whole-building energy usage data for the purposes of benchmarking their buildings.

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Case Study

Brandywine Realty Trust Overcomes the Split Incentive Barrier and Obtains Tenant Utility Data Case Study

Green leasing can be used to overcome the “split incentive” barrier to energy efficiency in commercial buildings by aligning the financial and energy incentives of building owners and tenants. Together they can save money, conserve resources, and ensure the efficient operation of buildings. Brandywine Realty Trust utilizes two components in its lease to enable the company to track energy usage, implement cost-effective energy efficiency measures, meet energy-saving targets, and save tenants money.

Fact Sheet

Better Buildings Energy Data Accelerator Key Accomplishments and Results Fact Sheet

Key accomplishments and results of partners are outlined in this fact sheet, profiling the historic expansion of data accessibility and increases in building energy benchmarking.

Better Buildings Energy Data Accelerator Fact Sheet Fact Sheet

The Energy Data Accelerator is designed to demonstrate low-cost, standardized approaches for providing energy data for the purpose of whole-building energy performance benchmarking.

Implementation Model

Prologis's Solution for Accessing Tenant Utility Data in Triple-Net Leased Buildings Implementation Model

In order to benchmark energy data and identify efficiency opportunities, Prologis developed a multi-pronged approach to gain access to tenant utility data through the modification of lease language and coordination with utilities.
